My Reviews Policy
Please read this page carefully before submitting your book for review.
Welcome to winnzwordz reviews. If you are an indie/self-published author and write Young Adult Fiction and are looking for FREE and authentic book reviews, you are in the right place.
I am in the Top 1% of reviewers on BookSirens with a 100% track record. If I pick up your book, I WILL review it.
Please note that I am extremely picky about the books I read and will only accept the ones I genuinely want to review. This will ensure the authenticity of my review. I urge you to read this post to get an idea of what I like. I will decide based on these factors (ranked by preference):
The book summary/blurb - It must captivate me. Otherwise, I will not proceed.
The excerpt/sample chapters (up to five chapters of the book) - It must make me want to read further.
Submission Process:
Submit your review request on the form below
If this is an ARC, I will contact you if I’m interested in proceeding further within 1 week of submission. Please send me your ARC after I contact you.
If your book is published, and I am interested, I will buy it and read it. If you follow me on Goodreads, you will know if I have picked your book because it will be on my “reading” shelf.
I will review your book on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever else you want me to post it. You can specify where else you want me to review.
I will only post three-star reviews and above. If my rating is below three stars, I will let you know privately.
If I really like your book or find something unique about it, I will review it on my Instagram/blog. If you follow me, you will know when it is posted.
Note: I will delete your ARC copy after reviewing it. It will be safe with me. Remember, I’m an author too.
Review Timelines:
If I pick your book, I will review it within a month unless it’s very long (350+ pages.)
The sub-genres I will NOT read
I don’t read anything political, religious, or erotica. It’s okay if it contains explicit/mature content, though.
What I like to read:
YA Contemporary Fiction - This is my favorite genre. I like coming-of-age, friendship, social issues, humor, LGBTQAI+, etc.
Any other YA sub-genre with a blurb that compels me to read it.
Any other fiction with a blurb that makes me want to grab it right away.
Guidelines for my Ratings and Reviews:
What my ratings mean:
5 stars: I loved your book. I can’t stop thinking about it and highly recommend it.
4 stars: I liked your book. There was a tiny part I didn’t like, though.
3 stars: I liked your book. But it left me hanging for more.
Now that you have read everything on this page, please submit your book below.
If you have questions before submitting, head here to contact me.
Thank you, and I look forward to reviewing your book(s).